Browse Airport Information

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The best aviation data API

Continually updated and fully machine readable.

FBO or Service Provider?

Give more info than ever with your free listing!

Professionally checked.

A dedicated in-house data team with experience within the aviation industry, bringing you only reliable and relevant aviation and airport information.

Globally reliable.

With stringent quality control of all our sources, we guarantee the most critical data.

Fully machine-readable.

All of our data is built and served in a way that can be interpreted by other programs. This is the foundation of the next generation of aviation.

Nobody does aviation data
the way we do.

Airport opening times

Enhanced airport information.

We provide you with only the best airport and aviation data in an enhanced format, allowing for complete automation. 

We don’t limit our efforts to copying existing public sources and re-branding them, we build new and smarter data.

For just one of endless examples of what you can do with our data, check out our free access aviation data hub.

Aviation data sources

In-house verification, always.

Our dedicated in-house data team manually verifies all sources and data for validity and reliability.

With over 65 years of aviation experience within the aviowiki team, there’s nobody better suited for your aviation data needs.

Aviation data sources
Community airport information sharing

Got the sharing spirit?

Community updates, especially those from our friends and colleagues actively working in the industry, ensure our data has the highest level of accuracy.

So if you love aviation as much as we do and have airport information ready to share, join us today!

Thousands of airports in your pocket.

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